Google Sites allows you have your own content available on the web.  Unlike blogs, Google Sites work like MS Sharepoint wherein you can control who can and cannot edit the contents of your site.
With this website creation tool you don’t have to install anything to write your own page – you can do them online anywhere as long as you are online.  Small offices who want to have their own Web space will also benefit since this is a good way to have a website with the least cost of ownership.
To start making your own website go to http://sites.google.com, you will need to have your own Google account to be able to access this site.  If you have an existing GMail account, that will work, you don’t have to make a new one.  After logging in, click Create site button to start the
The page creation form will appear.  Type in the specific details needed for your site.  You don’t have to follow the texts or themes I inputted below since this is customized per page:
The first entry is the site name.  This is like a title of your site so make sure it matches the purpose of your site:
Next comes the site description where you can add a short descriptive tag line or catch phrase for your site:
Turn on mature content warning if you plan to add nudity or contents not suitable for minors:
If you want to share the website to limited group then choose “Only people I specify can view this site”, else click “every on the the world can view this site”.
Then choose a design theme.  Pick a color scheme and pattern that matches your site description.  It should blend with the contents that you will later add to the site.
Finally, type in the secret captcha word to authenticate you as human.  This allows Google to prevent robots to spam the server with fake accounts:
NOTE: If the chosen URL is available it will direct you to the home page of the site, otherwise you will need to enter a new site name that is not yet taken.  In this case, “shadesofgreen” is already taken so I used “shadesofgreensite”:
From here you can start editing and adding the pages.  Click Edit page to start updating the main page:
You should see the online editor come up where you can put your content and save the changes you did:
At this page you can either save or cancel.  You can also create a new page to add more pages to your site.
Saving the file transfer you to the saved file’s location so you can see the changes that you did:
Users familiar with online blogging tools or MS Sharepoint will be right at home with this simplistic web site editing tool.  If you plan to have your own website, Google Sites is an exciting way get started with it.  It is easy to learn and you won’t have to worry about installing a web editor or managing your own web server since Google will host is for you.

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