The Operating System is an essential component of the system software in your computer.
An operating system or OS is a software program that enables the computer

hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software.
Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other

programs called application programs can run. Usually require an operating system to function.
Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless.
The application PROGRAMS are written to run on top of a particular operating system. Your choice of operating system - therefore, determines to a great extent the applications you can run.
Multitasking refers to the running of multiple independent computer programs
on the same computer; giving the appearance that it is performing the tasks at the same time.

Since most computers can do at most one or two things at one time, this is generally done via time-sharing, which means that each program uses a share of the computer's time to execute.
USERS do not set out to buy operating systems; they want computers and the applications software to make them useful.

However, since the operating system determines what software is available for a given computer, many users observe the high volume of software available for MS-DOS machines and make their computer purchases accordingly.
Others prefer the user-friendly style of the Macintosh operating system and choose Mac's for that reason.

Because Windows is the most popular OPERATING SYSTEM, it's also very easy to find applications written for Windows, and virtually all hardware devices come with Windows drivers.

However, Mac's use standard hardware the same as Windows machines these days ever since they started using Intel processors. Windows computers can be cheaper because they make less full featured computers.
Take the same specked machines and they are in the same price range. Mac OS is overall more stable, less prone to mal ware, and The OS is much more user friendly.

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